Creality Hyper PLA - 1,75mm - 1kg - Skin

Creality Hyper PLA - 1,75mm - 1kg - Skin

Thanks to the high fluidity and fast cooling formula, Hyper Series PLA supports up to 600mm/s print speed. High fluidity provides sufficient melting and extrusion, while rapid cooling provides fast shaping for high-speed printing.Highlights:Better FluidityFaster CoolingHigh Precision Čtěte více

Na objednávku

589 Kč

Výrobce: Creality



10x Faster Printing

Thanks to the high fluidity and fast cooling formula, Hyper Series PLA supports up to 600mm/s print speed. High fluidity provides sufficient melting and extrusion, while rapid cooling provides fast shaping for high-speed printing.

High Precision

High stability ensures small changes in thermal expansion and cold contraction even when printing at high speeds, bringing high precision in dimensions and better results.

Higher Toughness

With higher tensile strength than ABS and higher toughness than traditional PLA, Hyper Series PLA brings better structural bearing capacity to the printed models.

Uniform Wire Diameter, Stable Extrusion

Based on two-way laser diameter measurement, the filament diameter accuracy is 1.75±0.03mm, which makes it flow out more smoothly.

Neat Winding with Smooth Printing

Precise filament diameter control and automatic winding arrangement are combined to ensure smoother printing without tangling.


  • Prototyping
  • Figurines
  • Machine parts
  • Mass production


Basic Data Printing Parameter 

Filament Typ PLA
Diameter 1,75 mm
Tolerance 0,03 mm
Weight 1,00 kg
Lenght 333 m
Color Red
Recomended Printing Temp Min 190 ºC
Recomended Printing Temp Max 230 ºC
Recomended Printbed Temperature Min 25 ºC
Recomended Printbed Temperature Max 60 ºC
Recomended Printing Speed Min 30 mm/s
Recommended Printing Speed Max 600 mm/s
Specific gravity 1,25
Elongation at break 6,304 %
Flexural Strenght 92,381 MPa
Flexural Modulus 2490,178 MPa
Impact Strenght Unnotched 8,8344 KJ/m2
Filament spool selection  
1. Creality 1kg Paper
    Ø Ds 200 mm
    Ø ds 56 mm
    Ws 63 mm
    ws 55 mm
    Emty weight Spool 0,176 kg
    Material of Spool Carboard
    DB 213 mm
    WB 72 mm
    HB 217 mm
    Emty weight box 0,119 kg
    Material of box Carboard

Creality Hyper PLA - 1,75mm - 1kg

Více z kategorie

Doplňující informace

Kategorie: PLA
Barva: béžová
Váha materiálu: 1 kg
Průměr: 1,75 mm
Creality Hyper PLA - 1,75mm - 1kg - Skin
Creality Hyper PLA - 1,75mm - 1kg - Skin

589 Kč

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