Creality Ender - PLA+ - 1,75mm - 1kg - Black

Creality Ender - PLA+ - 1,75mm - 1kg - Black

Crealitys PLA + Ender filament offers superior quality and smooth printing. Thanks to its 1.75 mm diameter, the line of material is automatically arranged with an EPC function to ensure smooth output, without tangles or blockages, promoting smoother printing. The raw materials used are of high purity and free from impurities, which improves the success rate of printing thanks to their good fluidity.HighlightsStronger Toughness without BreakageHigh stability brings higher print qualityNeat Winding with Smooth PrintingFlow Printing without CloggingUnlimited 3D Models and Play with 3D Printing Cloud Communities Čtěte více

Dočasně vyprodáno

429 Kč

Výrobce: Creality



Stronger Toughness without Breakage

Enhances the toughness of the filament, it can be repeated bending with less susceptible to breakage

High stability brings higher print quality

More stable printing performance meets the needs of DIY enthusiasts to experience higher quality filaments.

Neat Winding with Smooth Printing

Precise filament diameter control, EPC automatic winding arrangement, to ensure smoother feeding and printing.

Flow Printing without Clogging

High-purity and impurity-free raw materials enables the filament to be extruded evenly and smoothly during printing.

Highly Match with Creality Printers

Pre-development tests with the printers and filaments to ensure perfect match.

Creality Ender - PLA+ - 1,75mm - 1kg

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Doplňující informace

Kategorie: PLA
Barva: černá
Váha materiálu: 1 kg
Průměr: 1,75 mm

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